Wednesday, November 3, 2010

EngQuizzitive-CET-16 (grammar) : Indefinite Pronouns:Answers

Indefinite pronouns

A pronoun that refers to an unspecified person or thing. Indefinite pronouns include :
  • quantifiers (some, any, enough, several, many, much);
  • universals (all, both, every, each);
  • partitives (any, anyone, anybody, either, neither, no, nobody, some, someone).
Template for the usage of Indefinite pronouns

Since the number of indefinite pronouns is not known there are considered to be singular in number.Hence in sub-verb agreement they always take a singular verb.

Also when they are replaced by any other pronoun (personal) the gender of the pronoun is always masculine and the number is singular.

  1. One must take care of oneself.[one as an indefinite pronoun continues as one throughout the sentence]
  2. Someone has left his bag on the table.[Indefinite pronoun when replaced by a personal pronoun the gender used is always masculine]
  3. If anyone wants this he can have it. [Indefinite pronouns being singular always take a singular verb : Sub-verb agreement]
  4. Everyone is late for breakfast today.[Indefinite pronouns being singular always take a singular verb : Sub-verb agreement.If the above sentence read as : Everyone of us are late for breakfast today] : Answer is both 1 and 3
  5. Neither of the horses have been shod yet.[When indefinite pronouns like neither are followed by modifying phrases like of /of us the verb it takes is plural]


  1. HI,MA'AM
    in 5'th statement it is written that "verb it takes is singular" but "have" is plural so i m confuse.
    please help

  2. Hii Ma'am
    i'd like to know that in the 4th sentence why can't we say,
    Everyone was late for breakfast today?

  3. Dear Dharmesh,

    Plz check the explanation for the 5th one.

  4. Dear Anonymous,

    Yes we can use both hence the answer is both 1 and 3

  5. Dear Ma'am,
    Y do we use masculine form for 2nd and 3rd statements.... can't we use 'their' in th 2nd statement????

  6. Dear Ma'am,
    Regd 2nd sentence... is it that "his/her" can be used only with common gender words and not with indefinite pronouns?

  7. i didnt really get the second sentence... :(
    Someone has left his bag on the table.[Indefinite pronoun when replaced by a personal pronoun the gender used is always masculine]...i cant relate the bag wid d masculine gender...itz confusin me
