Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Is legal action against author Arundhati Roy's speech on Kashmir an overreaction?

Is legal action against author Arundhati Roy's speech on Kashmir an overreaction?

What was her speech?

"Kashmir has never been an integral part of India," said Roy, provoking the various political parties in the country.

The reaction to her speech

BJP to demand that she, along with Geelani, be charged with sedition. Others jumped to her defense, arguing this was an example of democracy on full display. The storm erupted as the government's panel of interlocutors was in the Kashmir valley, trying to kickstart a political process.

What constitutes a sedition case?

Whoever by words, either spoken or written, or by signs, or by visible representation, or otherwise, brings or attempts to bring into hatred or contempt, or excites or attempts to excite disaffection towards, the Government established by law in India.

Punishment :Imprisonment for life, to which fine may be added, or with imprisonment which may extend to three years, to which fine may be added, or with fine

Post your thoughts on the above topic in the comments section of this post.


  1. Ma'am,
    can u please , in your next post, throw some light on the 'Shimla pact'1972, signed between India & Pakistan.
    The Content,ramifications, framework etc?
    does this pact supersedes the promised UN referendum??
    eargerly awaiting your Next post!

  2. Arundhati Roy has also called India a colonial and expansionist state and questioned the freedom of speech and democracy in India. Thus, providing fodder to the separatists. She calls for the freedom of Kashmir from India but doesn't Pakistan call PoK as "Azad Kashmir"? Though I'm not sure if a sedition charge would be appropriate but such remarks from her are irresponsible and shift focus from the main issue at hand. Previously, Arundhati Roy had also made controversial statements supporting the Maoists.

  3. agreed with Miss priyanka.
    arundhati roy is misusing her authority of an activist by making such comments without getting the facts right.

  4. We don't need a 'Arundhati Roy' to make such statements about India. Yes, we are a democracy but we should not forget that democracy is a right given by the constitution of India and hence, every statement made in the name of demcracy should be respectful to the nation and its armed forced who have put their lives on the line, fighting for this cause!

  5. what is the real issue regarding Kashmir & POC part of Kashmir in Pakistan. i heard China supporting Pak since the invest big amt in that land POC?

  6. Dear Anonymous,

    I had posted a series of articles on the Kashmir issue in India under the heading Kashmirology.These would give you adequate information on the same.You can find these posts on this link :

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. nothing and noone is bigger than the country. she has no rights to make such remarks. she was wrong on her part n i dont think it is over reacted upon. today itz her tomorrow it will be someone else if the government wont react it will fodder other such situations.

  9. Arundhati Roy has always been an eloquent speaker, writer and a social activist. We must for once laud her for her fight against injustice vis a vis her association with Amir Khan and Medha Patkar (The Narmada Bachao Andolan).

    However, being a citizen of the Republic of India, I think she has committed not one but two gross acts of sedition. The former being her alleged backing of the naxalite movement. The naxals are enemies of state and her alleged support to them must give the Government credible reason to put her behind bars for sedition. Yes, speech is a legal right as per the constitution of India (Article 19) however, it also goes on to state that a restriction may be introduced to an individual if gross acts of treason were to be committed, the state then has every right to impose restrictions.

    Hence, it is but normal for the NDA and the left combined to create a furore in the parliament considering the Government's inability to act. There shouldn't be any respite against such non - State Actors such as Mirwaiz Umar Farooke and Arundhati Roy. They should realise the fact that had they been born to an Autocratic state such as North Korea or even China, they would have been given the death penalty by now.
