Friday, May 1, 2009

evolution of english language

Any idea how old is English language? It is approximately 2000 years old.It originated from a land occupied by a tribe called the Anglo Saxons.There is a story behind the way the name English came into being.It goes as follows........

England as a country has a weird history.Half of the time it was conquered by others and the latter half it conquered the world.One of the tribes to conquer them were the Romans.The official language of the Romans was Latin.Since the English language was alien to them they decided to give this language a name.Since this was the language spoken by the Anglos it was called Anglisch and then English...since it was the land occupied by the Anglos it was called Angland and then England...... such is the history of this fascinating language...hope you unveil the history of dis language with me........

words words words.......

Do you have any idea how the word trivial came into the english language? It is a combination of two words:latin tri (three) and via (way).NOw how did three ways get the meaning the roman civilization where ever there was a junction of three roads a well used to be built.All the people from the neighbouring villages used to come there to fetch water.This job was generally given to the girls of the household.Wherever there are girls there has to be gossip.Hence these were banal talks that happened on the trivia the word trivial came into existence and is hence used today.