Thursday, October 7, 2010

Kashmirology - 5 : The changing equation in Kashmir

In the angry slogans being shouted in Srinagar's streets,there's an important ingredient that's missing - Pakistan.Is this an opportunity for India to solve the Kashmir issue without Pakistan's interference?

The transition from militancy to street protest has overturned the Kashmir paradigm.After three months and over 100 deaths,stone-pelters have emerged as the defining face of a new movement.They call themselves the Sangbaaz Tehreek.

Who are these Sangbaaz Tehreek? 
  • they already have a committed membership of over 30,000 youths of who 10,000 are full time stone pelters.
  • thousand more are silent supporters : they operate through the internet where the outpouring of the Azadi sentiment is overwhelming
  • many are students and professionals ,products of growing middle class  in Kashmir that has used India's economic boom to take wings
How are they different from terrorists?
  • they have taken everyone by surprise : marginalised pro-Indian politics and forced the seperatist leaders to modify their pro-Pakistan tilt
  • these are clear headed people , vocal and unambiguous about their demands for an independant Kashmir
  • they have a social sanction which militancy never had
  • they have lambasted Geelani for his pro-Pakistan tilt : for them Pakistan as a concept is dead in Pakistan itself
Why are they important?
  • they are powerful coz they have a social sanction
  • secondly these people are unarmed and hence using guns against them would lead to violation of human rights
  • they are educated and clear headed and know what they want
How is this an opportunity for India?
  • with Pakistan out of the equation ,the window has opened for a direct dialogue between Srinagar and New Delhi
The stone pelters have succeded where the seperatist tried and failed.It is ironic what the Hurriyat could not do in six years these stone pelters did in 3 months.They have got India's attention and made it realise there is a problem in Kashmir.

Now it's for the center to take the nex steps before it misses yet another opportunity to bring peace to the troubled valley.

Read on AFSPA before posting comments :

With this backdrop in mind do you think India should seriously start thinking giving autonomy to Kashmir?
Or is there any other way out?
Can we still ignore the problems in Kashmir?

Please post your thoughts on the above in the comments section of this post.

1 comment:

  1. Indian govt should broaden its horizons and realize that pakistan would never give up fighting on kashmir. By maintaining the status quo and keeping army and all,we are doing nothing but turning the kashmiris against the indian govt.
    autonomy seems the only practical solution.
    Resolving the kashmir problem has long term advantages.Firstly and most importantly we will attain peace in south asia as pakistan will cease to be our enemy and terrorists camps would be disbanded or at least not diverted towards india.
    We would not have incidents like 26/11 or bomb blasts every now and then.
    Secondly we could cut down defence spendings heavily.
    Lastly we have very promising offers like UNSC permanent seat from the US in return
