Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Engquizzitive-CET-8 (grammar):Answers

Topic : Abstract nouns

Abstract nouns are nouns which are invisible and intangible.They cannot be seen,touched or heard.In short all those nouns that cannot be sensed by our five senses are known as Abstract nouns.

Some examples of Abstact nouns:
Errors related to the usage of abstract nouns:
  • being uncountable they never take a plural form and if they take a plural form the meaning of the word changes [experience/experiences,time/times]
  • Also being intangible they do not take indefinite articles but can take a definite article.
For more on articles check the following link : http://engquizzitive.blogspot.com/2010/06/grammar-quiz-iii-articles.html

  1. Wisdom is health. [no article reqd]
  2. Her mother gave her advice. [no article required or a piece of advice can also be used] : advice being a abstract noun does not take an article
  3. Her experiences taught her not to trust people easily.
  4. Raju's statement betrays his lack of understanding of the economics of the situation. [refers to the economic situation]
  5. Honesty is a fine jewel,but much out of fashion.[no article reqd]


  1. may i know why can't we use mother gave her a piece of advice..?? and the second one is that her past experiences taught her what is wrong in this..??

  2. even i had used the past experience & a piece of advice & "An honesty since we are emphasizing on honesty" so why is it wrong?

  3. Dear Mohsin,

    We can use a piece of advice also.Please check the explanation for the same.

    Secondly since experiences are always in the past using a past experiences would lead to redundancy.

  4. Ma'am..
    Why are we using experience in the plural form in this case?!...
    And in which cases do we use experience as a singular noun!?

  5. mam ,
    y we use the economics..din get ur explanation:-(
    why not use economics

  6. Dear Ma'am,

    I was wonderin y we can't write 'experience' in place of 'experiences'

  7. mam can we use experience in he 3rd statement?
