Wednesday, September 22, 2010

EngQuizzitive-30 (vocab):Answers


  1. If your house is infected with mites,you should immediately spray some acaricide. [acari - pests + cide-kill] : True
  2. A recluse generally leads a cloistered life. [claus/clus = close] : True { recluse : Withdrawn from the world / cloistered : A secluded, quiet place}

  3. Anthropophagy is a common practice among cannibals. [anthropos-mankind + phagein - eat] : True {A person who eats human flesh}
  4. A belligerent person is seldom affable. [bellum-war] : True {belligerent :Inclined or eager to fight/affable:Easy and pleasant to speak to}
  5. Antipruritic drugs are used to relieve itching. [anti-against]:True {Preventing or relieving itching}


  1. hello mam!
    this quiz is really interesting!looking forward for more such quizes! wud also like to have more quizes for CAT!
    hav a gr8 day!

  2. mam pls send such quiz wid difficult words more frequently as v desperatly need to acquire few gud words
